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Fecha de la oferta: 16/02/2024

Nombre de la empresa: LOMARTOV S.L.

Número de trabajadores: 9

Sede central en: España

Ubicación de la empresa

País: España

Provincia: Valencia

Descripción de la oferta


País: España

Provincia: Valencia

Lugar del trabajo: Burjassot

Sector: Investigación y desarrollo

Nivel: Empleado

Número de vacantes: 1

Descripción de la oferta:

LOMARTOV is an environmental engineering company, specialized in supporting R&D, industrial and technology-based projects with a multidisciplinary approach. We have a validated experience in technology transfer, coaching and assessment, supporting both the upscaling and exploitation phase of innovative industrial and experimental projects, and especially the assessment of the environmental, economic and social impacts of novel technology-based solutions, through Life Cycle Assessment approach, circular economy modeling, and methods from the social, economic and engineering sciences.

Our main goal is to support companies and innovative projects becoming more sustainable, mitigating and balancing their daily impact on our planet and resources, ensuring at the same time a safe and successful market uptake of innovative technologies, with a high impact potential for our economies and societies.


The EU Project Officer will be directly involved in the European activities of the company, and will work in close collaboration with the Technical and European projects coordinators.  S/he will be mainly in charge of supporting the team in managing ongoing European projects, participate in networking and business development activities, as well as being in charge of specific deliverables and project activities related with business and market assessment, general management, communication, dissemination and exploitation activities. According to his/her specific background (economics/society and humanities/science and technology) the candidate might gain new responsibilities and his/her tasks will be likely to evolve along with the upcoming projects of the company.

The candidate will be specifically responsible for the following tasks:

-        Development of specific deliverables and implementation of communication, dissemination and exploitation activities within EU R&D Projects:

o   Communication and dissemination activities: support in the organisation of webinars and workshop; create, write and publish content on the project communication and dissemination channels, e.g. social networks (LinkedIn, Twitter), the project and LOMARTOV website, or other platforms regarding EU R&D Projects activities and achievements.

o   Support in the implementation of studies related with Market Analysis, Business plans, Value Propositions and Business Canvas models, Exploitation Plans, Data Management Plans, Technology Transferability and Application Assessments and other similar reports.

-        Dissemination and communication activities of the company: support the C&Dresponsiblethrough the content writing, editing and publication on the company’s communication channels (LinkedIn, Twitter Website), including the creation of infographics and visual materials (PPT, brochures, roll-ups etc.). 

Other potential tasks where the candidate might be involved will be the following:

-        New proposals writing and preparation: supporting the coordinators in writing project proposals to which the company takes part as a partner or as coordinator.

-        Institutional relationships: support to attend events and find partners (during B2B, F2F and virtual meetings with potential partners or clients), explore cooperation and business opportunities interesting for the company, in line with its core activities.

The candidate will be responsible for performing these tasks and studies in diverse and transversal sectors, aligned with the activities of current projects, and also with the European research and innovation strategy. Potential, but not exclusive, domains of activities will be: renewable energies and fuels; advanced sustainable materials; novel bio-sourced products and bioeconomy development; wastes valorisation and industrial symbiosis; sustainable mobility, environmental management, and climate mitigation and adaptation.



Estudios mínimos: Master

Experiencia mínima: 3 años

Requisitos mínimos:


-        At least 1 year of professional experience as EU Project assistant/officer or in similar position. Knowledge in European standards for communication, dissemination and exploitation will be mandatory. Knowledge in European projects justification, audits and proposals preparation will be positively evaluated.

-        Knowledge of Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe and Life European programs. Experience in administrative proposals and project management.

-        Excellent level of Spanish and English (C1/C2 level in both languages).

-        Strong written and verbal communication skills.

-        Bachelor’s and/or master’s degrees in field related to economics, project management, European studies, communication sciences (e.g. Economics, Business Management and Administration, International Business Economics, Politics and Economy, European Project Management, Communication & Marketing).

-        Analytical skills towards the exploitation and promotion of research and development projects.

-        Strong ability to work in a multidisciplinary environment and adaptive capabilities to different sectors.

-        Ready to face new challenges, able to work under pressure and used to EU deadlines, ability to work effectively as a member of a team, flexibility, and high motivation.

-        Problem-solving approach, proactive and decisive attitude.

-        Full availability to travel.



-        Positive work environment, with a professional team in a dynamic developing company.

-        Full-time employment (40 hours per week).

-        Indefinite contract.

-        Immediate incorporation.

-        Salary will be fixed according to qualifications and experience.



Send you CV and cover letter at or fill in the form at



Tipo de contrato: Indefinido

Jornada laboral: Completa

Horario: 9:00h a 18:00h

Salario (€ brutos/año): 20.000 - 30.000 €

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